Zeta National Educational Foundation allows our sorority to invest in our youth's education. Through the Z-NEF scholarships are awarded to students throughout the country that want to pursue an education. The Z-NEF also provides various programs to help aid in educational development of those in our communities. For more information please visit our national website.
Zetas Helping Other People Excel (Z-HOPE)
Z-HOPE is our signature program that serves as an outreach to our local communities. Through Z-HOPE Zeta Phi Beta is able to assist and uplift our communities by providing programs that address the mind, body, and spirit. For more information please visit our national website.
Stork's Nest
Since 1972 our sorority has partnered up with March of Dimes to help educate and raise awareness of the important of prenatal care for women. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. created The Stork's Nest Program to do just that. With informative program events and the ability to earn points towards incentives, Zeta has been making sure that we do our part in educating mothers to be. For more information please visit our national website.